Good Headphones

I was pretty cold but my ears were fine. It reminded me that the headphones I typically wear while I word are so comfy.

These headphones are Sony MDR-V6. I bought them a couple years ago for about $60 and they are totally worth it.

They are super comfortable and have good audio characteristics.

Mine are normally plugged into my work Mac laptop and I’ll listen to high quality music streams, watch various videos, and leverage for online meetings.

I recommend these headphones.

Wireshark Dissector

Today I wrote my first Wireshark Dissector. I believe it was also my first day using the Lua programming language.

It was a pretty good experience. Much easier than I anticipated.

One specific item that was pleasantly easy was tying a lookup array to a variable (e.g. message flag codes to the message flag variable).

Perhaps there is a way, but I didn’t find it so that I could “reload” changes from my Dissector into an already open Wireshark. As it was, I ended up restarting Wireshark a lot and then reopening opening my pcap file.

While it is easy, given the protocol I was working with it started to become monotonous. However, it did pay as I was able to identify a difference in a problematic case.

Keyboard Time

Not too long ago I picked up a new keyboard.

The new model replaces my previous Roland FP-30X. The FP-30X was fine as a digital piano but did not have that many sounds, sequencer, nor other cool gadgets. Fortunately I was able to sell it at a pretty good used price.

The new king of the hill is my Roland Fantom-08. This guy is full of gadgets. It has the same key movement as the FP-30X so on par with digital piano.

I did have to get a new keyboard stand and a set of monitor speakers.

When I got the FP-30X I thought I would use it connected to a computer to scratch the gadget itch. It turns out it wasn’t a great/fun experience with computer. So for me, the workstation keyboard was the right way to go.

Mr. George Dickel

I’m sitting on a couple bottles of George Dickel whiskey.

First is the Dickel Bottle in Bond. I’ve been looking around for it for a spell. Many places have it but for around $60. This one was less than $40 from Bel Air if I remember correctly.

George Dickel BIB

I’ve opened and drank about half the bottle. Wasn’t disappointed. Initial taste has a slight edge to it. I’m curious how it will taste when I get back to it.

Next up is the George Dickel 15 Year Single Barrel. This one came from K&L wines for $55. I had been liking that company’s online experience but the last purchase has me looking elsewhere.

George Dickel 15yr

I’m not sure what bottle number I have, would have to dig it out. I’m saving this one for down the road. I do wish it was cask strength however.

1792 Full Proof – Fully Enjoyed

I recently acquired a couple bottles of 1792 Full Proof from K&L Wines.

While the experience with the vendor was subpar and has caused me to seek better supplier the product itself was great.

It has been a while since I had a spirit with such high proof – 125. The first drink is a bit of a shocker but once adjusted it is a fine a dram.

It was selected by Jim Murry as his best whiskey of the year for 2020.

Punch Short de Punch – 2020 #5

The #5 Cigar of 2020 is the Punch Short de Punch.

My brother was nice enough to gift me a box for Christmas and I very much enjoyed the one I’ve had so far. The box was dated May 2020 so I’m letting them age some.

My guess is that he got them from