Good Headphones

I was pretty cold but my ears were fine. It reminded me that the headphones I typically wear while I word are so comfy.

These headphones are Sony MDR-V6. I bought them a couple years ago for about $60 and they are totally worth it.

They are super comfortable and have good audio characteristics.

Mine are normally plugged into my work Mac laptop and I’ll listen to high quality music streams, watch various videos, and leverage for online meetings.

I recommend these headphones.

Wireshark Dissector

Today I wrote my first Wireshark Dissector. I believe it was also my first day using the Lua programming language.

It was a pretty good experience. Much easier than I anticipated.

One specific item that was pleasantly easy was tying a lookup array to a variable (e.g. message flag codes to the message flag variable).

Perhaps there is a way, but I didn’t find it so that I could “reload” changes from my Dissector into an already open Wireshark. As it was, I ended up restarting Wireshark a lot and then reopening opening my pcap file.

While it is easy, given the protocol I was working with it started to become monotonous. However, it did pay as I was able to identify a difference in a problematic case.

Excellent Research and Analysis

I am lucky to have a world class researcher and analyst in my personal network – Jim Scheibmeir.

Jim contributes to areas such as software testing for DevOps, continuous quality, and application test automation services.

Jim is also pursuing his PhD and has multiple works published. I found his work on testing augmented reality particularly insightful. I’m still working through his work on digital twins.

If you are looking to connect with him, I would suggest Jim Scheibmeir’s LinkedIn page.

New PC

Not long ago the old PC started crapping out. It appeared to be power and/or thermal related. I had tried replacing mother board but after awhile it started again. At that point decided to build a new computer.

I ended up using these components and am writing this post from new machine:

I re-used the video card from the old PC. Believe it was Nvidia 1050. The biggest splurge might have been on the NVMe. With Covid, getting motherboard was not easy. I had planned on re-using prior case and power supply but as I started building I realized the prior case was micro-ATX and new mother board wouldn’t fit.

So far, pretty pleased with results. Not the most interesting benchmark but I’ve never seen a Windows machine boot faster.